Ways We Can Save You Money

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full-time trainer(s)

Traditional training requires instructors to spend most of their time in a classroom setting and the rest of their time completing non-training related tasks like filing, tracking training via spreadsheets, and contacting managers or learners regarding upcoming training. Online training either reduces or eliminates these non-training tasks. We have successfully implemented strategies that have saved companies more than $200,000 annually by reallocating responsibilities and restructuring personnel.

Time spent in a classroom

In-person new hire orientation can take over 40 hours a week from instructors and learners. Online training can greatly reduce this time while also increasing employee retention of needed information. Online training can also be completed anywhere there is a working computer, which is especially beneficial for refresher training. Every minute your employees are not sitting in a classroom is time they can care for your customers and not accrue overtime sitting in a classroom.

additional cost-saving measures

  • Reduction in supplies needed for in-person training like manuals, paper copies, etc.

  • Reduction in travel costs associated with some training that may currently be done in-person across organizations with multiple locations

  • Better tracking of complete and incomplete training, which should help reduce or eliminate fines associated with lawsuits, unemployment claims, and not meeting state and federal regulations

  • Better trained employees make happier employees, which should reduce staff turnover and improve customer retention